Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Saat ini PayPal Sudah bisa verified melalui Bank lokal di Indonesia

Saya menemukan sebuah postingan menarik dari sobat blogger lainnya. Saya rasa ini cukup penting buat anda yang ingin bertransaksi di dunia maya ini, apalagi jika anda ingin berbisnis melalui media online.

Apakah itu ? ya itu adalah PayPal. Buat anda yang belum mengerti PayPal silahkan baca postingan saya sebelumnya dengan klik disini.

Jika Anda tertarik membuat Account PayPal silahkan Ikuti panduan membuka rekening PayPal ada di bawah ini:

  1. Silahkan Buka situs PayPal
  2. Klik tombol “Sign Up Today!" atau "Daftar". Anda akan menuju ke halaman untuk memilih jenis account PayPal Anda, kemudian silahkan pilih Personal atau Premier. Silahkan pilih Negara Indonesia karena Anda bertempat tinggal di Indonesia, klik "Continue".
  3. Setelah itu Anda akan diminta mengisi form biodata, isi dengan biodata yang benar.
  4. Klik tombol “Agree and Create Account” dan PayPal akan meminta Anda untuk memasukkan kartu kredit Anda. Jika Anda tidak memiliki atau berencana untuk memasukkan informasi tersebut di kemudian hari, silahkan tekan tombol “Cancel” dan Anda akan masuk ke halaman yang menyatakan bahwa account PayPal Indonesia Anda sudah berhasil dibuat.
  5. Buka e-mail yang Anda pergunakan saat mendaftar tadi, dan lakukan konfirmasi pengaktifan dengan cara meng-klik link yang diberikan pihak PayPal yg terdapat pada e-mail tersebut.

Oke! Selesai sudah, Anda sudah memiliki sebuah Account di PayPal, tapi tunggu dulu! PayPal Anda masih belum terverifikasi.

Saat ini, cara verifikasi dapat dilakukan dengan 3 cara, yaitu melalui CC (Credit Card), VCC (Virtual Credit Card), dan Rekening Bank Lokal.

Nah untuk updatenya saat ini PayPal sudah membuka metode verifikasi yang sama sekali baru, yaitu melalui Rekening Bank Lokal.

Jadi, asal Anda punya rekening di Bank apa saja, Anda bisa memiliki PayPal yang terverifikasi.
Keren kan? Gak perlu lagi keluar uang untuk beli VCC atau pusing ngurus biaya tahunan Kartu Kredit “Dulu saya masih verifikasi dengan CC”.

Berikut ini Panduan verifikasi PayPal menggunakan Rekening Bank Lokal adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Klik "Profile" --–> "Add/Edit Bank Account"
  2. Masukkan nama bank dan nomor rekening Anda.
  3. Masukkan juga Bank Code. Anda bisa mencarinya di blog ini: http://maseko.com/direktori-bank/Atau langsung mendatangi dan menanyakan ke Customer Service bank Anda.
  4. Setelah itu klik tombol "Continue". Kemudian akan muncul tampilan review isian Anda tadi, jika Anda sudah yakin bahwa isian Anda sudah benar, klik tombol "Add Bank Account".
  5. Anda perlu menunggu 1 s/d 3 hari. Dalam masa itu, PayPal akan mengirim 2 kiriman deposit kecil berturut-turut ke rekening bank Anda yang nilainya masing-masing 2 digit. Contoh: Rp. 17 dan Rp.31
  6. Periksa rekening bank Anda. Seharusnya ada 2 kiriman berturut-turut dari PayPal. Nilainya masing-masing 2 digit seperti yang telah dijelaskan di point No. 5.
  7. Login ke PayPal Anda.
  8. Jika ini pertama kali, Anda akan ditanyai security answer seperti kalau bikin e-mail di Yahoo!.
  9. Klik link "Get Verified" di samping tulisan "Unverified".
  10. Klik link "Confirm Bank Account".
  11. Masukkan 2 nilai yang dikirimkan PayPal. Disana ada 2 form, masukkan sesuai nilai yang dikirimkan PayPal. Contoh: 17 dan 31
  12. Kalau ada kesalahan, mungkin saja angka yang Anda masukkan terbalik, jadi balik saja lagi.
  13. Dan akhirnya, horeee, selamat! Sekarang PayPal Anda sudah terverifikasi dengan baik.

Oke deh, Semoga bermanfaat.

Get your best vacation on Myrtle beach

If you want a vacation, there are many places in this country that you can choose for the best vacation with your family or your partner. But, it's all useless if you can get the best service when you are in that place. For this, you need to stay at the hotel's most luxurious and relaxed. However, to find the hotel because it is very difficult at the best prices, especially in the holiday season.

So, if you want to get the best vacation and you want to visit Myrtle Beach, you can get information on the best hotels in Myrtle Beach from http://www.seasidemb.com. Here you will find lots of information about hotels or resorts and large packages for your best time in Myrtle Beach. Here are features to look for the best hotel that you can use. With this, you will get lots of information about the best room you can get in Myrtle Beach. And you will not only get the best service and luxury facilities, but, you also can get the best view Myrtle Beach.

So, if you want to make your vacation in Myrtle Beach became the most unforgettable moment in your life, immediately get the Myrtle Beach hotel reservations and you will get their best accomodation in Myrtle Beach Accommodations.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Auto Accessories Shopping at CARid.com

At this time vehicle is one if the vital need for humans. Vehicles will be able to take you wherever you go. In addition, the vehicle is one symbol of success for you. For it has a beautiful and comfortable vehicles is one of your needs as well.

If you want to beautify your vehicle by replacing or adding accessories to your vehicle, I suggest you visit the www.carid.com. In this site, you can find a variety of vehicle accessories such as spoilers, custom wheels, dash kits, headlights, rain guards and more. They have worked in the automotive industry for years, so they are very experienced in this field. They also provide online customer service to talk to if you go online and visit their web site, so you can know better what accessories that best suits your needs.

So what are you waiting for, just visit www.carid.com and get the best service from them. If you are very worried about the price, you do not need to think about it anymore, because they offer you with affordable price in which it is so much cheaper if it is compared with other stores.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Oxis International

Oxis is a company engaged in the research, development, and also sells products that can resist the harmful effects of oxidative stress. Many kinds of products have been sold and are known as products that provide the best protection, and can avoid the harmful effects of oxidative stress. Oxis is supported by an experienced team of expert professionals perform a variety of research and development of various products to meet the needs of your healthy lifestyle.

Oxidative stress refers to situations in which the body's antioxidant and other defensive skills to free radicals (aka against the species are highly reactive oxygen and nitrogen) is overwhelmed and a healthy balance you either lost or threatened.

Products issued by Oxis include therapeutic nutraceutical products, pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations, and clinical products developed internally and / or licenses to biotech-anti-aging, antioxidant, glutathione, penny stock & free radicals and pharmaceutical companies and drug candidates.

Now what are you waiting for, for more information about the company from Oxis, networks, services and review their products, visit http://www.oxis.com immediately. Want to connect with Oxis and always get the latest updates on the products issued by Oxis, you can join their Twitter or Facebook at Oxis on Twitter and Oxis on facebook.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

24/7 Online Professional Translation Services at Translia.com

If you are currently difficult to translate something and want to find translation services, today is your lucky day. Because I'll tell you a professional translation service with an excellent service in www.translia.com because only there you will find complete solutions that will help you from the problems of translating a foreign language for you.

There are 7 top reasons why we should choose www.translia.com as a professional translation service for you is: Quality assurance, Money back guarantee, Lifetime warranty quality, Express services, with no rush fee, Timeliness guarantee, No minimum word count and Save without sacrificing Sports Currently www.translia.com also gives 20% discount for those of you who recently joined. And discount offers are very limited, so be quick to join in order to get a discount.

So are you waiting for, if you're having problems translating language to immediately visit the www.translia.com with your browser, and you certainly will get the best translation services there. I hope this information can help you from your problems